This project was focused on creating a logo suite for the 7 Deadly Sins and designing packaging based on those logos. The theme chosen for this suite of logos was animals of poison and venom. Each logo is represented by a venomous or poisonous animal that best matches up to the characteristics of the deadly sin. 4 of the 7 Deadly Sins were chosen for this packaging project: Envy, Lust, Pride, and Wrath. These 4 packages come together to form the “Antidote Med Kit.” The Antidote Med Kit plays on the idea of poison/venom and offers a set of pharmaceutical products that will counteract the negative effects that comes with each sin.
This logo is represented by a scorpion. The term “burning jealousy” can relate back to scorpions and the painful burning sensation that their venomous sting can cause. Envy Burn Relief Spray works to relieve physical burn pain which reflects the metaphorical burn of jealousy.
This logo is represented by a poisonous dart frog. Dart frogs are known for their bright vibrant colors and patterns. These colors draw attention and make them very desirable. Lust Multivitamin Gummies are brightly colored and appear very appetizing. This makes them desirable, just like the Dart Frog.
This logo is represented by a lionfish. This fish is very attention-grabbing with large fan-like fins, the look of it represents how someone with the pride characteristic may act. Due to having a large sense of pride, prideful people may hide their wounds to appear tougher or better. Liquid Bandage conceals these wounds as they heal.
This logo is represented by a viper snake. The saw-scaled viper, one of the most dangerous and aggressive vipers, is responsible for more deaths each year than all other snakes combined. When encountering something like this that has a lot of wrath, chances are you will get hurt. The Wrath Pain Relief Caplets help take that pain away.
Designed by agmccreary