AIRMIX Lifestyle Concept Store by SpActrum

AIRMIX is a lifestyle boutique located in Xi’an, designed by SpActrum. The challenge of the project consists in a relatively small shop area, where a strong image of the new brand is to be showcased while building a significant identity for AIRMIX. SpActrum introduces the metaphor “bubbles” – the final formal presentation is a collection of the deliberately selected fragments of the latent generative geometry, or “bubble clusters”, which are developed into a series of seemingly very diverse sculptural display objects: altar, cabinets, shelves, floating slice, etc., formally optimised yet functionally-customized for best showcasing specific products.

Client: Shaanxi Airport Xinsilu Trade Co.,Ltd.

Architecture Design:SpActrum

Chief Architect: Yan Pan

Design Team: Yijie Zhang, Zhen Li, Yimeng Tang, Xiao Wan, Jinyu Wan

Lighting Consultant: Wei Sun

Contractor: Shaanxi Sanyi Construction Engineering Co., Ltd

Still Plates & Sculpture Installation : JIAHONGJING

Terrazzo Floor: SMOOTH

Photography & Video: INSPACE

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